Let us help you become hyperagile.
The IgnitusAI Interest Index can measurably improve results for video conferences. To understand why, consider how leaders communicate. Good leaders know listening is paramount. While many are known for how they speak and what they have to say, their success is often based on deep listening skills.
But what about great leaders? They know how to listen and how to watch. Those with
the ability to
accurately, consistently read people’s faces are able to communicate at a deeper
level. While good
leaders respond to what’s being said in a conversation, great leaders can
also respond to what’s only
revealed in body language, especially the face. It’s a rare skill.
But we’ve entered an age where artificial intelligence can read faces, providing a rich source of
realtime data for managers, negotiators and educators consistently and accurately, time after
This is what we’ve done with the IgnitusAI Interest Index. We’ve
trained algorithms to read faces
during videoconferences and deliver realtime data on any or
all participants’ level of interest. This gives
all leaders and users a valuable tool for
“listening” to what’s going unsaid.
Ease of use is crucial here, because the point of the
meeting is to communicate crucial ideas, not to
see who’s paying attention. Algorithms exist
that can read a range of emotions from sadness, to joy to
fear from video frames. But this is
probably not the tool you need for videoconferencing, where you’ll
be focusing mostly on the
presentation itself.
Simplicity is one of the keys for the IgnitusAI Interest Index. It
delivers a simple, clean read on the
interest levels, based on realtime analysis of video
frames. The right data delivered at the right time in
the right format.
it today. You’ll be surprised who’s paying attention.